“Hi. My name is Jody. And I am a perfectionist.” Are any of you…like me…a perfectionist in recovery?
There are so many times that I’ve not taken action on something important because I didn’t know how to do it “perfectly.” And what would have been so wrong with that?
As I journey through life, I am learning that risking…and failing…are essential parts of growth. Enough staying in the bleachers watching the game of life. Time to jump in!
What does this have to do with leaving nothing unsaid? Plenty! I have discovered that so many people do not express their deepest feelings in writing to loved ones because they don’t know “how to do it” or how to get started. Or how to do it “perfectly.”
If I could ask, plead, or even beg you….Please don’t let the pursuit of “perfection” keep you from sowing words of encouragement into those you love.
The reason I wrote Leave Nothing Unsaid was to help people realize that it is not difficult to share words of affirmation with those who are dearest to you. It’s not hard at all!
The potential impact is huge. Helping another to see his or her strengths and potential and to be reminded of your love can really help that individual to blossom. Your words could even give someone the courage to pursue a dream that had long been dormant. You don’t have to do it “perfectly!”
The important thing…to quote Nike…is to “Just Do It!” “You is kind. You is smart. You is important.” We all were touched by those words from The Help. Was the grammar perfect? No. Did the words have profound impact?Absolutely.
Today, would you speak words of encouragement into someone’s life? Or better yet, would you put them in writing so they might have lasting impact?